Daniel Desjarlais, director of communications at Xiaomi, basically launched the official teaser campaign for the upcoming pair by announcing that they will each receive four major Android upgrades and five years of security patches. The company’s previous generation launched last year of these smartphones promised three major OS upgrades and four years of security patches with the Xiaomi 12T and 12T Pro last year. With this move, Xiaomi is also matching up with Samsung, however there are some very significant limitations. There’s no reason for us to think that will change for the Xiaomi 13T and 13T Pro. The Korean company releases monthly security upgrades for all of its high-end smartphones, whereas Xiaomi sends one out every two months. Additionally, Android 14 will be the first major upgrade, therefore these will only be supported until Android 17. They would have reached Android 18 if they had debuted a few months later with Android 14 pre-installed and the same upgrade guarantee. Having said that, it’s wonderful to see more manufacturers of Android devices expand their software support.