For the Vivo X90 Pro And X90, Vivo has announced a new software update. The Android security patch level for the smartphone is raised from April 2023 to May 2023, and the system stability is improved to address the issue of sporadic app crashes. Additionally, the update includes a few camera enhancements to enhance the definition of selfies captured in Super Night Mode and optimize the Camera’s overall performance to improve shooting experiences. 245MB is download size for this update. If you still didn’t received this update notification then you may manually check for it by going to the Settings > System update menu on the Vivo X90 Pro And X90.
For further information, see the changelog for the update down below.
- System
- Updated to the May 2023 Google security patch to improve system security
- Optimized system stability to fix the issue where some apps occasionally crash
- Fixed the occasional issue where some pages are not displayed properly when “Largest” is selected in Font & display size
- Fixed the occasional issue of abnormal screen display
- Network
- Optimized network adaptability and stability
- Camera
- Optimized the clarity of photos taken by the front camera in Super Night mode
- Optimized the smoothness of the overall function of Camera to provide a better shooting experience
- Status bar & notifications
- Optimized the display of icons in the status bar to provide a better user experience
- Apps
- Optimized third-party app compatibility to fix the occasional issue where some apps do not work properly
- Fixed the occasional issue where “Permissions” is grayed out on the App info page of “Feedback”
- Bluetooth
- Fixed the occasional issue where incoming calls are played through the speaker when Bluetooth earphones are connected